RIZ MOTOR  CO.,LTD locates in Fuan city which is a  electrical City in Fujian province , China . The convenient traffic offers fast developing to our enterprise . In 2005, the factory was established and manufactured spare parts of electric motor & alternator . From 2011, we start to supply hundreds models motors , alternators, generator sets in conformity with I.E.C60034-1 standards and ISO9001:2000, CE certificate .
AC ELECTRIC MOTOR : IE1 efficiency motor, IE2 efficiency motor, IE3 efficiency motor, single phase motor, brake motor, GOST standard motor.
ALTERNATOR: brush alternator, brushless alternator
RIZ MOTOR CO.,LTD provides hi-quality product, advanced technology, excellent service for customers. If you have any requirement, welcome contact with us . Our cooperation will bring our companies in bilateral development.